Extreme Sex


¡ How to become a member (admission to membership)
You may gain your membership online by major credit cards.
Immediately after completing your application for membership, a confirmation e-mail of settlement will be sent to your e-mail address.
You may need "Purchased Goods ID" and "Purchased Goods PS"presented in this e-mail in order to enter the
member's page. To do so please input "Purchased Goods ID" and "Purchased Goods PS" in the pop-up window.
(It may take a few minutes to enter.)

¡About settlement by a credit card
Charging name on a bill
It will be charged to you under the name of VISA/MASTER/JCB/AMEX uECGATEv
Payment day is determined by the settlement day of your credit card company.
Many of them are one or two months after the purchase.
The amount of the bill may differ by a fluctuation of exchange rate or a service charge.

ƒAbout charging to a customer„
You may be charged in dollar converted from Yen
Please note that the actual amount of the bill may change because of exchange rates.
Kind of credit cards available
You may use VISA/Master/JCB/Amex

About a renewal of membership
You will be charged automatically every month unless you withdraw
About a withdrawal of membership
You may withdraw from a membership online.
Please note that yout ID and Password cannot be used any longer by the withdrawal.

¡Questions about our site
For your questions about our site please send an e-mail to elmer@elm-world.com

¡About a membership fee
A membership fee is \3,500 / 30days.
An admission charge \2,500 is needed for admission.

¡Admission to membership
Please press the button below and continue to [admission to membership]

¡Resend intermittent payment password
Continue to the next

¡Changing the intermittent settlement email address
E-mail address change

¡Change card information
To change procedure

¡Withdrawal of membership
Please note that you cannot access the site after withdrawal even though still the term of contract remaining.
Withdrawal of membership